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To Trick Or Treat, Or Not To Trick Or Treat?

To trick or treat, or not to trick or treat? That is the question.

The answers are not so easy and vary from person to person. Keep in mind, this pandemic is no joke and you should be safe, no matter what your plans are for the night. Even with social distancing, there are still ways to have a good time with your kids.

Here are some tips for your Halloween celebrations.

Did you answer yes To Trick or Treat?

Trick or Treating is not canceled. The City can not regulate that but does recommend you follow CDC guidelines to protect yourself and others.

If you plan to hand out candy, put it in individual treat bags, and have a table in your yard or driveway. Place a few bags on the table and let the kids come get the bags off the table. You could decorate the table all spooky, to add to the effect. Or get one of the long claw hands and drop candy in their bag. That could be fun. Doing it this way will not only control how much candy each child takes, but it will also keep them from spreading their germs. Take it from a mom of three, kids are gross – so the less contact, the better.

When trick or treating, practice the six-foot social distancing rule. Remember, kids can be gross. Just kidding, I love chocolate-covered grandson hugs. On that note, carry your hand sanitizer and use it on the kids often. Even if you tell them not to eat their candy until you get home, you can bet a few pieces will be devoured while walking. (oh no, there is a trail of Reese’s wrappers. ‘Nana, stay out of my candy’)

The city officials recommend trick or treating hours from 5 pm until 9 pm. Also, be on the lookout for Mt. Juliet Police Officers to be out patrolling. They are just out to make sure our kids are safe and they are also handing out individually wrapped reflective wristbands aka glow bracelets. Thank you, officers.

For families who are not as comfortable going house to house, or just want to take in all of the festivities possible, watch for trunk or treats. Churches and organizations will have signs up with the dates and times.

A great resource to find a list of Trunk or Treats is Nashville Fun For Families.

If your answer was Not to trick or treat, here are some ideas for you.

Taste test Halloween candies
Start by letting everyone pick out the most random candy and/or their favorites. Put them all in trick or treat buckets. Put on a blind-fold and get to tasting.

Carve Pumpkins and do a contest
See who can carve the scariest or funniest. Post photos on social media and have your friends vote. The winner doesn’t have to help clean-up the pumpkin guts.

Scary movies and popcorn
Watch scary movies and eat junk. It’s also fun to have someone knock on the door at the scariest point in the movie. One time, we were watching a scary movie and a neighbor knocked on the door when the killer was about to jump out. We all screamed.

Make Halloween-inspired foods and drinks
Look up stuff on Pinterest, They have way better ideas than I do.

Play Halloween Music All Night
Or until your husband says to turn it off and go to bed already.

Wear Your Costumes
Take lots of pictures and act goofy or play hide and go seek in the house.

Decorate the house
Go all out and hide fake spiders everywhere. When you are cleaning in a few months, you might find it and post a photo on Facebook asking if anyone knows what kind of spider it is.

Play Halloween Games
Again with the internet. Google some fun ideas based on your kids.

Go ‘Ghosting’
It’s like ‘boozing’ without alcohol. But if mom needs some wine, you can include a separate gift for the parents. Make a treat bag with goodies and leave it on your kids’ friends’ porches.

Watch ‘Nightmare Before Christmas’
I know, Paul! ‘But it’s October!’ Lol
Don’t judge. It’s the best movie ever because it includes both my favorite holidays.

It is also important to remember that it is about to be Clearance Candy day. Kids will be getting Halloween candy from Santa Claus this year. Do your kids find it weird that they get fake spiders and candy corn in their stockings?

Totally kidding.
It’s usually Reese’s pumpkins.
Have a safe and Happy Halloween!

Krys Midgett
Krys Midgett has a BA in Journalism from Tennessee Technological University. She owns Give A Little Publications, runs Give A Little Nashville Magazine and Life Between The Lakes Magazine. She is a SESAC songwriter. Krys also is the founder of a nonprofit focused on helping kids have Christmas gifts. It is called Give A Little Christmas. Krys is also a wife, a mom of three boys and a Nana of two boys.