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Keto Korrection: Chocolate Peanut Butter Cheesecake

I have been living the Keto lifestyle for over a year now and it has revolutionized my world. Before Keto, I had serious health issues with my autoimmune disorders, asthma and even anaphylaxis, but with Keto all of the symptoms disappear. It has literally saved my life.

It hasn’t been easy, I admit. I have had to learn how to cook dramatically differently in order to cut the carbohydrates out of my diet. It has been a bit of a challenge, but I have loved the adventurous fun of being creative in my kitchen. I invented so many new favorite dishes and I actually prefer many of them to the original foods that inspired them.

When Krys and I decided to start this magazine, it seemed only natural to use this new platform to share some of my most successful Keto experiments with all of our new readers. That way any readers who are finding the carbohydrates hard to cut could also be inspired to have some fun without them.
Last month, I wrote all about my new favorite Keto treat, individual PB Cheesecake Cups, which I make in batches and keep in my fridge for when I’m craving sweets. I had been perfecting the recipe for a while and had shared cheesecakes with several of my luckiest friends. I was excited to share it with all of our Life Between The Lakes readers for our second issue.

I designed a beautiful recipe card and named it PBCheesecakeRecipeCard.jpg. The only problem is that I had not had much foresight when I created the first recipe card for the first issue. I had saved the Autumn Squash Soup recipe file as ketokuisinerecipecard.jpg without seeing any potential problems. In retrospect, it’s so obvious and natural that the wrong file got selected for our final layout. Simple enough mistake to make, really.

So, as many of you may have noticed, last issue we had a beautiful and tantalizing description of a cheesecake cup with the flavor of chocolate peanut butter cups, drizzled in ganache. Teasing and tempting our Keto readers with the promise of dessert, only to end in a recipe for Autumn Squash Soup (which I sometimes prefer to dessert, actually, so you should go online and get our back issue recipes.)

I apologize for the mixup and appreciate you sticking with us as we all grow together.

Here is the long awaited (and well worth it) recipe for PB Cheesecake Cups.
