Making Small Changes
written by Rebecca Talbot
It’s April! New month, new you! You clean out your fridge and replace everything with healthy options! You’re going to get up and work out an hour each morning before work. No more eating out, no more pizza, no more sodas, no more sweets, etc.. This is your new diet plan! I see people try this all the time. Let me give you a few reasons why radical diets fail.
Food is addictive!
They say sugar is more addictive than cocaine. When people with drug additions go to detox, they don’t drop them cold turkey. Even as bad as things are, your body is used to them. So, let’s take sodas for example. You’re used to drinking 6 sodas a day. Ok, so for a week, cut it back to 4 or 5 and replace with water. Next week, cut it down a bit more and so on. Let your body get used to the changes. Your body doesn’t like change any more than you do. However, by doing small changes and giving it a week or so, you’re much more likely to sustain the healthy habit.
It’s stressful! What happens when you missed a day working out? You beat yourself up. Although you DID do the 4 days, it’s human nature to focus on the one day you missed. Look, I don’t get up and workout every day. Some mornings, I’m just plain exhausted! I’ve looked at the treadmill like the devil himself put it there. I’m not saying don’t push yourself to do better and better. But don’t beat yourself up because you back-stepped a bit and didn’t quite accomplish the rigorous goal you set out to do. Suggestion: say you’ll get up 3 days a week and work out; do like a Mon., Wed., Fri.. If you get up on Tuesday and feel like taking over the world, go for it!! You’re going to gain energy the more you do it. But if you need to rest, rest.
Moderation! No, you don’t have to cut out pizza, cookies, drinks, etc.. Just be cognizant of moderation and portion control. Are you craving a soda? I do at times. Idea, drink just enough to get the satisfaction and pour out the rest. Or, ask someone if they want to split one. And foods like pizza, sure have a piece! Just avoid eating half the pizza. Your office likes to eat Cracker Barrel? All good. Either find something on the menu that is a healthier option or understand that the portions are enough for 3 meals!! Eat until you’re not hungry. There is not a law anywhere that says you have to eat it all. It takes your brain 20 minutes to catch up to your belly! Eat slowly and let your brain catch up!
My main point is that you don’t need to get stressed over getting healthy – that’s very counter-productive. Yes, I love teaching people about living healthier but I’m also a realist! I love food too! So, make small changes that you can sustain. Get a buddy to work out with in the mornings, evenings, etc.. You can do this and if your circle doesn’t support you, reevaluate your circle.