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Gratitude – Leadership & Gratitude – Compassion

By Oscar Smith, Author, Pastor

‘Leadership’ and ‘compassion’ aren’t words we commonly link together. Most leaders are conditioned to put business before benevolence – to lead with their heads, not their hearts. From my times in the business world as a Chauffeur the perception of a powerful leader is someone who’s tough, strong, decisive, hard-nosed.
As CEO of Osmithmedia, I find conviction, confidence and courage to cultivate connectivity and compassion to be most important moving forward.

Compassion doesn’t live in my head, it lives in my heart and my actions are formed by it. Compassion is the love that moves us.
Compassion as a father was to hold my two sons and wipe away their tears when they fell off their bicycles.
Compassion moves me to act when I see injustice towards others.
Compassion for me is that feeling that won’t go away until we do something to help make our world a better place to live in.
Compassion isn’t just about sympathy or pity, rather it requires that we take some action to alleviate the suffering of others.

Compassion requires that we look beyond our hurt and pain to ease the suffering of others.
Compassion is fueled by love.

Compassion requires authenticity, love and caring. Compassion is our guiding light.

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