Take In The Springtime

It is the time of the year that we are all looking forward to, warmer weather. We all love to see the daffodils, dogwoods, and redbuds popping out. At this time spring is not “just around the corner”..it’s here!
The weather is perfect for outdoor events and adventures. Gardens need planting, cookouts with friends are a must and trips to the beautiful state parks need to be planned.
When I was young, we always planned at least one big trip. I remember my dad and I spent all spring building a camping trailer. It was built from plans in a “Popular Mechanics” magazine. This project would have been in the mid 1950’s. It had an ice box, cook stove, and running water that was all located under the beds and accessible from the right side of the trailer outside. The entire trailer folded up and accommodated two adults and five kids. In road mode, Dad could see over it while driving. What fun!
Do yourself a favor and plan your summer events or they will never get done. Enjoy your spring!
On the darker side of warmer weather, we have just experienced one of the most devastating tornadoes our community has ever seen. At 1:00am, Tuesday morning March 3, 2020 an F3 tornado tore through our community and others in Middle Tennessee. There were lives lost, and homes and businesses destroyed. Our thoughts and prayers are with the families and friends who lost loved ones in this tragedy and for those who lost their homes and businesses or had significant damage.
We are the “VOLUNTEER STATE.” You will have people come out to help you that you don’t know. Those who may not be able to physically help, can and will donate food, clothing and a place to stay or start a fund to help out.
The devastation is much worse than you can possibly imagine. It is real and it is now. I encourage you to give from your heart. There are those in our community who lost everything. I hear a rumor that plans are in the wind for a benefit concert to raise funds for our neighbors in need, All the proceeds will go to those in need. If you live here in Tennessee you are a Volunteer. Do what you do best. Help out your neighbor. You will grow from that!
photo by Stuart Resor photo by Stuart Resor photo by Stuart Resor photo by Stuart Resor