Always Go On Dates
Who is Assistant District Attorney General Javin Cripps? He is running for the 15th Judicial District Circuit Court Judge. Wilson County is in that district, along with Smith. Jackson, Macon. And Trousdale Counties. Signs with his name are all over the place. But let’s actually get to know Javin and his wife, Melanie Cripps.
“Hold the door, say please, say thank you
Don’t steal, don’t cheat, and don’t lie
I know you got mountains to climb but
Always stay humble and kind”
“Humble and Kind” was written by Lori Mckenna and recorded by Tim McGraw. In the Cripps’ home, those are words to live by. Melanie Cripps says, “We quote it, we sing it, and we even have it hanging in our girls’ bedroom. It’s a nice reminder to give as well as hear.”

One of the ways to stay humble and kind is to help others. They are leading by example by being involved in charities.
“We both hold a special place in our hearts for the Jordan Hackett Foundation. Stephen and Karen Hackett lost their son, Jordan, at four months old due to a heart defect. This foundation gives back to the Ronald McDonald House, Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital, and others. We participate in their 5k and we are just one of many sponsors they have. They have a giant following of people that would do anything to help them,” Melanie added. “I also hold a special place in my heart for Autism Speaks. I have a beautiful family member, Jada, who is on the spectrum. My aunt works tirelessly to get her every resource for advancement. She has put together “Jada’s Butterflies,” a team of family and friends that donate to Autism research and get together for the Autism Speaks walk in Nashville.”
Javin says that he fell in love with Melanie because of her smile. “It was everything when she would smile. She would smile with her eyes, which in turn would make her face light up. Every time I would see her, I would chase that smile. Not just the regular smile, the one where her entire face lights up because she is genuinely happy to see me. I remember the first time that I saw that smile, she was holding a coffee cup in the middle of the afternoon and I thought to myself, “who drinks coffee at 4 pm?” Then she smiled, and everything else melted away. I know it sounds ridiculous, but to this day, her smile still lights up my world and my life. I am constantly wanting to make her smile!”
Melanie said. “I fell in love with him when I was trying not to fall in love. This is going to sound lame, but I got all the butterflies. He is very smart and witty and I’m never bored with our conversations. He is always trying to make me smile. When I have a goal, he’s my cheerleader, consultant, my engineer, helping hand, attorney, tough love, and a soft place to land. We grow together in our faith, our goals, and our compromise. He still dates me. He still dates me. He still dates me.”
As far as their dates, they often like to come to Mt. Juliet and make a day of it. They love to go to eat, shop, and watch a movie. As “foodies,” they try every restaurant they can.
Melanie, who grew up playing softball in the Mt. Juliet ballpark, says,” We love how the community is growing, yet has small-town hospitality. People still smile and sometimes wave when you walk by. There is still a friendly, hometown feel but we have more stores and restaurants and resources than ever before.”
Making time to date is important, no matter how long a couple has been married. Melanie and Javin have been married for two and a half years and both have very busy careers and a family. He shares custody of his daughters with their mother and they have a very effective and efficient co-parenting relationship.
“Our blended family is a unique blessing. We must give and understand and do what’s best for our daughters, who are 12 and 10. Our family communicates well. We all have busy careers so when one of us needs help with carpooling, homework, or a project, we do well to step up and fill in the gaps. Somehow, we always get it done. We do best when we work as a team. It’s not just about taking care of our household. It’s about considering both households and schedules. Whether we plan birthday parties together or a big family dinner for all of us, everyone is involved and welcomed with open arms. I love my blended family and I couldn’t ask for better co-parents,” says Melanie.
On top of helping run her husband’s campaign, Melanie also owns Carthage Family Chiropractic, LLC in Smith County. “I run a holistic practice. I got into chiropractic when I was a college athlete. I was having daily headaches and nagging pain in my back and shoulders. My dad recommended I go see his chiropractor, and it changed my life. My headaches were gone in a couple of treatments and I was able to perform better on the field. While attending chiropractic school, my mother got really sick. She was willing to let me try some nutritional and holistic approaches with her before any other medical treatment. She was able to overcome her illness and my passion has remained with helping people heal in a conservative way.” explains Melanie. “A common thing I hear about chiropractic is “I wish I would have started getting care sooner.” We’ve been conditioned to take a pill for everything that we forget to treat the actual cause of dysfunction. We are seeing the detrimental effects of addiction in our area and a portion of it started with prescriptions,” says Melanie. “There are a lot of great chiropractors in Mount Juliet. Find one and go. Bring your spouse. Bring your children. You will not regret it.”
The patients and staff are what she loves most about her office. They even have an office pet who enjoys greeting patients. He is a German Shepherd named Gus.
Javin grew up on a cattle farm and worked with his dad, a general contractor, doing house rehabilitations during the summers. He knew from an early age that he wanted to be a lawyer. In car rides with his dad, he would debate about anything. He continued working with his dad while going to Middle Tennessee State University. In 2001, he earned a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice. Set to start law school in Memphis in 2002, he also earned a Contractor and Plumbing license. How many lawyers do you know that can fix your sink, build a barn and prosecute criminals? Don’t answer that. This is the South.
Melanie says, “His passion lies with the law, but he enjoys working with his hands as a hobby. (Side note: wife brag – when we renovated a house into our new office, Javin and his dad and uncle did the remodel. It was impressive. He still says Pinterest was almost the death of him.)”
Growing up on a farm can definitely build character. Javin credits it for teaching hard work, respect and “doing what you say you’re going to do.” As with most things in life, the success of the farm depends on how much work you put into it. His responsibilities were from early morning until late at night, between the farm, school, work, and sports, it was a balancing act. That helped Javin in his career. He changes gears often. He could be preparing for a trial, meeting with victims, working with law enforcement or a full day of court.
“Javin decided to run for Circuit Court Judge because he is fair and will use common sense in his judgments due to his experience as an Assistant District Attorney, Assistant Public Defender, Plaintiff’s Attorney, Defense Attorney, and by going through a divorce himself. He has had roles in the courtroom that a judge sees every day. He has practiced in every county in this district and understands the different needs of the counties. He has worked closely with law enforcement in every county as well. This judge position covers both criminal and civil courts. Javin has experience with both areas of practice from divorces, adoptions, and social security to drug trafficking, sex trafficking, and first-degree murder. He is, in my humble opinion, the most qualified person for this job,” says Melanie.